6000 full-text articles from the field of Innovation Management
"E-mails are Annoying" - Con-and Destructive Shopping Experiences for E-Businesses
Güsken, Sarah Ranjana : Cybernetics Lab IMA & IfU RWTH Aachen University, Germany
From: 2020 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Virtual)
The grocery industry is the largest industry worldwide. Contrary to other retailing sectors, online grocery shopping has not yet found its way into the mass market and consumers are often restrained with its adoption. In this research, I find by using research diaries, that several reasons for this lie in uncovered utilitarian needs. This is mainly reflected by deficient application usability of existent online grocery offerings. Furthermore, I detect, that the integration of online grocery shopping into daily life is due to insufficient product assortments, delivery flexibility and reliability as well as the customer's critical assessment of product freshness, challenging. I elaborate factors influencing the intention to use online grocery shopping and contribute by highlighting positive and negative customer experiences to the understanding of why or why not consumers adopt online grocery shopping.
"Innovation Sprints" as a Didactic Tool of Promoting innovativeness
Griesbach, David : University of Applied Sciences Lucerne (HSLU), Switzerland; Meyer, Mona : HSLU, Switzerland
From: 2022 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Copenhagen)
Innovation Sprints in organizations have become a central method to gain better understanding about customers and their underlying needs in the early stage of new products/services. Innovation Sprints are very useful in situations for launching a minimum viable product through the creation of quick prototypes and their immediate testing. The outcome is often much more human-centric and faster in comparison to traditional projects. This conference presentation challenges the view that Innovation Sprints should be strengthened outside companies, in the program of further education. We will look whether Innovation Sprints is a method a) to learn/develop innovation competencies, b) that is suitable in learning units in education programs, c) to achieve learning objectives, and d) that is practicable for lecturers when used/taught. The project aims is to create an Innovation Sprint method adapted in the context of further education as a didactic tool.
A full version of this document is not available.
"Legislative Echoes: Circular Economy Paths in North-South Urban Perspectives"
Rosales Carreon, Jesus : Utrecht University, Netherlands, Campos, Mariah : University of Sao Paolo, Brazil,
From: 2024 ISPIM Connects (Porto Alegre)
Urban areas play a pivotal role in sustainability and the circular economy, driven by their significant population density and waste generation. With the United Nations projecting 70% of the global population in urban areas by 2050, understanding waste dynamics becomes crucial for circular economy support. European cities are adopting the circular economy concept, while Latin American cities initiated solid waste legislation in the late 90s and early 2000s. The study explores the paradigm shift envisioned by the circular economy, focusing on Dutch and Brazilian cities and emphasizing the highest Rs-refuse, reduce, reuse, and repair. The study aims to analyse legislative impact, organizational strategies, and motivating factors for circular economy implementation at the city level. We argue that a comparative study between global North and South cities could lead to mutual benefit, providing insights into regional variations, fostering cross-cultural learning, and promoting collaborative strategies for circular economy.
A full version of this document is not available.
"Pivot chain" to create the pairing in "Needs solutions pairs"
Hirota, Akimitsu : Kindai University, Japan
From: 2019 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Florence)
This study covers product development to realize market creation. The early stages of development of market-created products are generally highly uncertain. Therefore, there are situations where the development staff cannot clearly define what to develop at the initial stage. We focuses on "experimental behavior" in trial and error (Dyer and Christensen, et al. 2011). And we report the result of the research which paid attention to experimental behavior by prototyping. The product development process investigated is the first model of G-SHOCK by Casio Computer Co., Ltd. G-SHOCK created the shock-resistant watch (toughness watch) market. Trial and error involves the actions of failure and correction. Such actions are called "Pivot" (Furr and Dyer 2014). We analyze the development process of G-SHOCK from this "Pivot" as a clue. Based on this analysis, we will consider the contribution of Pivot to the pairing of Needs Solution Pairs (Von Hippel and von Krogh 2016).
'Business Model You' - an Alternative to Traditional Career Planning?
de Waal, Gerrit : RMIT, Australia & Maritz, Alex : La Trobe Business School, Australia
From: 2019 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Florence)
In the fast-paced, ever-changing twenty first century business environment, enterprises increasingly benefit from modelling as opposed to planning business scenarios. The same principle applies to individual employees whom are faced with great uncertainties regarding the future of jobs, hence in many people's opinion career planning is fast becoming obsolete. This is certainly true for Tim Clark, creator of the Business Model You (BMU) methodology that is based on the infamous business model canvas tool widely in use by lean start-up ventures across the globe. While the popular press reports ample anecdotal evidence for BMU adoption by employees within many organisations, to date there is no empirical evidence about the usage aspects of this innovative approach and whether it is fit for substituting traditional career planning in the modern workplace. Using a mixed method approach, this study is the first to report on the strengths and weaknesses of the BMU.
'Faster Horses' Won't Work: Bridging Strategic Foresight and Design-based Innovation
Gordon, Adam : Aarhus University, Denmark & Rohrbeck, René : Aarhus University, Denmark & Schwarz, Jan Oliver : Hochschule Fresenius University , Germany
From: 2019 ISPIM Connects (Ottawa)
Design thinking orients itself towards the future in the sense that all design is for products, services or events that will exist in the future, and be used by people in the future. This has resulted in a small literature growing up around how design thinking may be used to enhance future studies. This paper is informed by that literature, but particularly considers the relationship from the other point of view: how methods from the strategic foresight field may sharpen design thinkers' perception of the users of tomorrow they are designing-thinking for, and help design thinkers create a point of view ahead of time as to how changing contextual circumstances may reshape end-users' needs and preferences. The study rests on research into 300 design-thinking practitioners, investigating where and how they use future thinking currently, and suggesting how this need may be fulfilled in a richer and more theoretically grounded way
'Repair! But from where?': Polycentric Repair Markets
Stabler, Daniel : LUT Business School, Finland; Hakala, Henri : LUT Business School, Finland; Mention, Anne-Laure : RMIT University, Australia
From: 2024 ISPIM Connects Osaka
This paper introduces the 'Repair! But from where?' framework, which explores emerging governance models for repair markets in consumer electronics amidst growing institutional Right to Repair pressures. The paper utilizes qualitative research methods, including semi-structured interviews and secondary-source document analysis with relevant repair market stakeholders, from within two comparative case markets: Denmark and California. The framework identifies three forms of repair governance: manufacturer-controlled, grassroots and consumer-led, and independent market-led repair. The study connects these models to wider issues such as overconsumption, ownership, and resource efficiency. The paper also discusses the implications for business model innovation, highlighting opportunities for manufacturers to adopt service-oriented strategies that extend product life cycles, while advocating for collaborative approaches with independent repair providers, and grassroots actors. The study contributes to institutional theory by integrating polycentric governance and social movement theory, offering practical and policy insights for promoting progressive Right to Repair solutions and Circular Economy practices.
A full version of this document is not available.
'Scaling research mountains': Star 'logic' brokers as triple helix guides
Kriz, Alexandra : University of Queensland, Australia & Kriz, Anton : Australian National University, Australia & Bankins, Sarah : Macquarie University, Australia & Molloy, Courtney : University of Newcastle, Australia
From: 2019 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Florence)
A major inhibitor to innovation management at an enterprise, regional and national level is how to cross the divide between government, industry and academia (triple helix). Australia is exceptional in terms of scientific publications and share of patents but is lagging considerably in enterprise-university engagement and commercialisation. This research seeks to develop an understanding of individuals who successfully traverse and overcome common constraints of a helix divide. The findings highlight the role of a key individual in this program, that we have termed a 'star logic broker', in crossing triple helix divides. The star logic broker appears to have a special ability to identify and collate opportunities, to educate and connect others, and to communicate complex problems in a precise and effective manner.
(Responsible) Innovation in Corporate Sustainability Reports
Vogel-Pöschl, Heike : Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
From: 2021 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Berlin)
Responsible Innovation has the potential to improve the quality of life globally. Technology companies play a decisive role in designing the present and the future. Despite continuous efforts of academia to refine RI, the concept is neither well known nor applied in business practice. This makes a recalibration of RI necessary. In order for academia to be able to adapt the concept it has to gain a better understanding of what innovating responsibly means for companies in the sectors, which will have crucial short- and long-term impacts on our lives, namely energy, information technology (IT) and pharmaceuticals/biotechnology/life sciences. Innovation narratives can provide such an understanding and can be found in the sustainability reporting of these firms. This study will identify those narratives in the sustainability reporting of the 50 leading technology companies in these three sectors and aims at adapting RI based on the insights gained from this analysis.
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(Systematic) Open Innovation
Darrell Mann, Systematic Innovation Ltd, United Kingdom
From: 2008 ISPIM Innovation Symposium (Singapore)
In theory, the open innovation concept makes a lot of sense: present tough, unsolved problems to extremely large numbers of the world's most inventive minds and chances are someone, somewhere may either already have a solution or the wherewithal to deliver a solution. Look beyond a few well chosen 'low-hanging fruit' examples, however, and the distance between theory and practice begins to look like a rather large chasm. This paper discusses the extent and form of that chasm and reports on some of the efforts to bridge it and thus increase the likelihood of open innovation success.During the course of a four year programme of research to combine the principles of open innovation with a range of other inventive problem solving strategies, the main problems encountered during open innovation initiatives have been identified as follows: 1)The initial problem posed to the open innovation community is the 'wrong problem'. 2)Lack of objective means to determine whether a 'new' solution is better than existing solutions. 3)Failure to adequately solve the inevitable 'yes, but' problems as an external solution is imported into the specific context of the organisation posting the challenge. 4)Failure to adequately transfer the surrounding tacit knowledge from domain to domain. The paper discusses these four issues, in each case suggesting potential remedies through real case study examples taken from a range of different industry sectors.
10 Types of Innovation a Public Sector Municipal Perspective
Jonsson, Vilho : curlabs AB, Sweden; Suominen, Anu Helena : Tampere University, Finland; Bäckman, Johan : curlabs AB, Sweden; Eriksson, Eric : Knivsta kommun, Sweden; Fogelberg, Jessica : Knivsta kommun, Sweden
From: 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Ljubljana)
This innovation in practice case will address two aspects in innovation management. First, identifying opportunities and inspiring ideas in the public sector, specifically municipalities. Second, translating and localising business and market focused innovation management knowledge into a public sector setting so that the innovators can focus on their mission and not contextualising business terms. We will present a new applied model to describe 10 types of innovation from a municipal perspective. The categories and types are: Main municipal mission: Self determination, Collaboration Structures; Operations: Enabling Processes, Core Processes; Service offerings: Core Services, Non-core Services, Service Levels; Delivery: Channels, Municipal Brand, Customer Experience. We will also present the relation of 73 ideas of which 16 turned into innovation concepts and 6 launched innovations that have been developed by the case municipality after introduction to the new 10 types.
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18 Innovation Patterns for Circular Economy emerging from 311 Start-ups
Martínez-Cabrera, Julia : University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; Schirmer, Julian : Montpellier University, France
From: 2023 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Ljubljana)
Reducing the ecological burden of our current linear take-make-waste economic model, requires the reinvention of business models of companies to incorporate circular economy principles. Circular economy solution business model patterns (CESBMPs) play a central role in supporting the innovation process, as 90% of business model innovations are recombinations of such patterns. We have systematically analyzed 311 circular startups, identifying 18 CESBMPs, mapped to the nine business model building blocks from the in practice widely used business model canvas from Osterwalder and Pigneur. We expand the nascent research field in circular economy business model innovation by providing new CESBMPs, linking them to the types of circular businesses and circular principles that have been identified previously. For practioneers the collection of CESBMPs can be leveraged in the business model innovation process to support the ideation of more circular business model logics.
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21st Century Innovation: What is the name of the Game?
Alexander, Allen : Exeter Centre for the Circular Economy, United Kingdom; Miller, Jo : Ellen MacArthur Foundation, United Kingdom; Hopkinson, Peter : Global Center for the Circular Economy, United Kingdom; Miller, Michele : Global Center for the Circular Economy, United Kingdom;
From: 2018 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Stockholm)
The Circular Economy is a relatively immature research landscape, particularly when considered from an Innovation perspective. However it is gaining momentum and according to critics offers a solution to many of the issues currently being experienced around the world, in terms of resource shortages and the energy, food, water nexus. This study attempts to explore examples of products and services, collected by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, to begin to understand which size of companies are developing them, what types of innovations they represent and how they might diffuse to scale. The contribution of this paper is to introduce, define and raise awareness of circular innovations whilst beginning to articulate how analysis of CE products and service might be undertaken by further studies, with the aim of informing companies and policy-makers accordingly.
24h - Innovation Marathon
Posch, Stefan : Integrated Consulting Group Innovation GmbH, Austria & Waldner, Roland : Philips Austria, Austria & Fallast, Mario : Technical University Graz, Austria
From: 2013 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Helsinki)
This presentation shows a case study of a very successful practice of an open idea generation event. 55 students worked simultaneously for 24 hours nonstop on real case problems of 11 companies. The companies came from different industries and were different in size. They formulated very different creative challenges: from hard technical challenges to marketing concepts to business model innovation. The teams had to create new solutions to these challenges within one day with no time for sleep. The feedback of the company representatives who collected the results after 24 hours proved that the teams high quality results where never expected. They could easily compete with (if not surpass) results created by the companies experts. We will share design and key success factors of this event, as well as some of the results and what can be learned from it for company internal ideation processes.
A full version of this document is not available.
3D Data for Customer Integration - Study Results & Implications
Damerau, Thomas : Fraunhofer IPK, Germany & Hayka, Haygazun : Fraunhofer IPK, Germany
From: 2015 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Budapest)
With the upcoming of Hippels active-customer paradigm in the 1980s customer integration has become a highly regarded topic in both, research and industry. Since then numerous studies have confirmed the positive effects of early integrating customers into product development. Even though companies are familiar with study findings and many handy methodical and technical solutions exist, the results of customer integration projects failing the expectations concerning quantity and quality respectively usefulness of customer feedback. Besides others, one not sufficiently considered topic is the use of product descriptive models from the engineering processes as intermediaries towards the customers. Customers, in particular Lead Users, are known for their technical expertise. Therefore the use of engineering models as enabler for direct customer-engineering interaction is a promising approach. This paper presents the findings of an experiment (n=23) that investigated the effects of using CAD models for integrating customers, from both perspectives customer and engineering.
3D printed spare parts: rethinking supply chains and business models
Jussila, Ari : VTT, Finland & Mikkola, Markku : VTT, Finland & Tanner, Hannu : VTT, Finland
From: 2017 ISPIM Innovation Summit (Melbourne)
The paper focuses on the adoption of 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing) technology in spare parts production and its implications to manufacturing supply chains and their stakeholders' operational environment. 3D printing has been a hot topic during the recent years and the technology has taken significant steps forward. The adoption of the technology in practice is still in a rather early stage and there are many challenges (technological, organizational and business) to overcome. The paper provides models for companies to consider the potential changes in their spare part supply chains and business models, and current knowledge and insight of the implementation opportunities and challenges in Finnish companies. The results seem to reflect the situation where an industry is in an early development stage and no dominant logic or business models have yet been created.
3D printing disruptions and strategic choice. A way forward
Brophey, Glenn : Nipissing University, Canada & Frangella, John : Proto3000, Canada
From: 2014 ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum (Montreal)
The challenge addressed is how to select the resources and capabilities requiring investment to maintain a leadership position in a growing multi-sector disruptive technology (3D printing, or as it is also known, additive manufacturing). This challenge has prompted the need to choose between sectors that will likely become attractive at some unknown time, while at the same time, this firm needs to manage its risk and cash requirements as the forecasts carry a lot of uncertainty. To address these issues a forecasting tool (Roger's innovation diffusion factors) is employed in conjunction with a risk management tool (a BCG portfolio analysis modified by an 'attractiveness' scorecard) and a conventional strategic decision-making process. This presentation describes the original combining of these well-proven concepts into a process to make decisions in an environment driven by innovation.
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3S Process: Re-Envisioning AI in Business Education
Bhalla, Navneet : Cetana AI Inc., Canada
From: 2019 ISPIM Connects (Ottawa)
There is a gap in artificial intelligence in business education, where a style of curriculum based on strategy is missing. The 3S Process, primarily an educational framework, is presented as a method for teaching leaders how to strategically adopt artificial intelligence within their organizations. Stage 1: Story in the process is inspired by the Harvard Case Method to provide context to a problem. Stage 2: Strategy uses Design Thinking to produce candidate solutions. The substage of Empathy in Design Thinking plays a crucial role to reduce bias in designing artificial intelligence. Virtualization technology is a tool for students to experience hands-on learning in developing prototypes. Stage 3: Solution is where students advocate for their conceptual artificial intelligence solution in the context of the case study. Artificial intelligence is a type of complex system; therefore, students should consider feedback loops and the potential for unintended biases to enter a deployed solution.
40 years of CVC research -a systematic review
Kronberger, Markus : EBS University, Austria; Gutmann, Tobias : EBS University, Germany; Shankar, Raj Krishnan : Great Lakes Institute of Management, India
From: 2021 ISPIM Connects (Valencia)
The first academic paper on corporate venture capital (CVC) was published in 1981. In the 40 intervening years, scholars from different fields have explored the phenomenon from theoretical perspectives which has advanced our understanding of CVC. Yet, the CVC literature remains fragmented and riddled with inconsistencies and paradoxes which has resulted in repeated calls to systematically review and integrate existing studies. We answer this call by reviewing 101 peer-reviewed, scholarly articles from the fields of management, entrepreneurship, and finance. We inductively develop six thematic clusters (structuring CVC activities, CVC adoption and termination, knowledge exchange, investment ties, corporate outcome, and venture outcome) and organize the existing knowledge in a multi-level, multi-stage framework. We discover important white spaces within our current knowledge base. Our findings point to the emerging of a fifth wave of CVC, interesting research opportunities, and the need for a broader perspective regarding the phenomenon CVC.
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55 year-long fascinating experiment inspired by Leonardo da Vinci
Farber, Boris : TRIZ Biopharma International, Noigel LLC, USA
From: 2019 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Florence)
55 years ago, I set forth to get educated in most of the fields that Leonardo Da Vinci worked in, which I have been implementing all these years. The origin of this plan was based on a gift that I received from my parents for my 10th birthday: a collection of books dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo's Notebooks became my guide. I collected a list of Da Vinci's fields based on which I created my study path. This list propelled me to study in 19 different institutions and gain expert knowledge: MSc, PHDs and Dr. Sci degrees, combined all Da Vinci fields. This knowledge I have been successfully used for more than 700 hundred of my inventions and 1000 publications. 55 years experiment of fascinating da Vinci road journey approved that educations in his fields gives boost of synergy and sheds light on blind spots in his legacy in the 500th anniversary of the death of a great genius. More information
6th Generation New Product Development using Complexity Principles
Angel L. Arbonies Ortiz of MIK & Carlos Fernandez of MIK
From: 2003 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Manchester)
New product development is a process of integrating information and knowledge to transform them in new product for the organization. The process model has been evolving from different perspectives, beginning with market vs technical driven sequential processes. Then coupling and iterative models follow but remaining sequential. The rugby approach introduced the concurrency of phases with many variants, and it signified the forth generation model. In the last time with the explosion of ICTs the fifth generation models tried to perform a more integrative approach while maintaining stress on time to market strategies. We, in this paper present an experience attempting to build the 6th generation New Product Process Model using complexity principles, For instance in product design processes the intricate relationships of agents and elements produce multiple chains of interdependencies . The new product, before being a macro-change is the result of multiple interactions about the knowledge limits to design, to produce and to market the new product. On the other hand complexity explains why interventions may have un-anticipated consequences therefore questioning any rigid phased process for new product development. By following these principles of Complexity we will propose a new generation new product process based in changing both the scope of the process ( limits of knowledge ) and process ( emergency ) to excel in product innovation from all points of view. The reflection arise from the experience we had at Fagor S. Coop , the leader of the Domestic Appliances market in Spain.
6th Science and Technology Foresight until 2045 in Korea
Park, Changhyun : KISTEP, Korea, Republic of
From: 2022 ISPIM Connects Athens
It is becoming important to establish science and technology-related policies after predicting the future. Since 1994, Korea has been engaged in its Science and Technology Foresight project on a 5-year basis, and the 6th Science and Technology Foresight was conducted in 2021. The 6th Science and Technology Foresight predicted the future society with 5 mega-trends and 12 trends. The foresight also predicted the 241 future technologies which are expected to appear until 2045. Main characteristics (innovativeness, uncertainty, significance etc.), realization time, and required government policy are investigated based on 2-rounds Delphi analysis. We have developed future technologies to address the major issues that are predicted to arise in future society for the next 25 years. The results of the 6th Foresight will help in deriving new research ideas for researchers, promote systematic planning among policy makers, and encourage interest in and preparation for the upcoming future in ordinary citizens.
A full version of this document is not available.
7 Trends to Innovate People Engagement
Migliola, Letizia : evidentia, Italy & Forciniti, Anna : evidentia, Italy & Rossi, Laura : evidentia, Italy & Colucci, Maria Vittoria : evidentia, Italy
From: 2020 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Virtual)
Employee and team engagement is critical to innovation management. So how to enhance their motivation and commitment to facilitate the fully expression of their personal and professional qualities? Our long years experiences in different organizational contexts, dealing with innovation and people management, allowed us to intercept 7 dimensions impacting on engagement levers. 7 ways to lead people that exploit the "human" factor and act on the level of "being" more than on the "doing" one. 7 trends to switch on individual motivation, reveal personal talent, develop a sense of belonging based on identification more than on fidelity, boost fulfillment in relationships, unlock the one's potential to innovate. 7 dimensions that are calls to action: "Be aware, solid, open, mindful, passionate, disruptive, connected" Let's discover together the "why" and "how to" of each one of these dimensions!
72 hours to innovation as creative democracy
Lindhult, Erik : Mälardalen University, Sweden & Höglund, Jenny : Innovation Plant, Sweden & Mickos, Kaj : Mälardalen University, Sweden
From: 2008 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Tours)
Opening up innovation processes requires the development of forceful and efficient practices and methods that is able to mobilize and pool the creative capacities of a broader range of people. This paper will focus on a collaborative innovation design - the Innovation Plant - that in its concentrated form is a 72 hours innovation race. The purpose of the paper is to conceptualize and interpret the "72 hours to innovation" methodology from the point of view of "creative democracy", the mobilisation of the creative capacity of all. As a form of crowd sourcing, the methodology develops concentrated creativity in order to radically accelerate innovation.
A "Braive" New World: Exploring Adoption of Mental Healthcare Technology
Callegari, Beniamino : Kristiania University College, Norway; Yang, Jenni : University of Oslo, Norway; Rai, Ranvir S. : Kristiania University College, Norway
From: 2022 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Copenhagen)
Digitalization is a macro-trend affecting every sector, albeit in different ways. We study the process of digitalization of the public mental care system, by analyzing the case of the introduction of a new digital technology, Braive, within two Norwegian mental care clinics. Through in-depth interviews with nine central actors involved in the local implementation process, this study analyzes the organizational adjustments, challenges, and setbacks that have characterized the implementation. Despite positive initial attitudes among the employees, we find that, absent effective managerial and organizational support, professional care providers will effectively resist the adoption of new technologies. Managers need to ensure that professional concerns are heard and integrated within the adoption process, if they intend to reap the potential rewards that digitalization offers for the medical care field.
A 'Networked Thinking' Approach to Business Model Design
Eurich, Markus : ETH Zurich, Switzerland & Weiblen, Tobias : University of St.Gallen, Switzerland & Breitenmoser, Pablo : ETH Zurich, Switzerland & Boutellier, Roman : ETH Zurich, Switzerland
From: 2013 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Helsinki)
Crafting a viable business model for an organization requires profound knowledge, good decision making skills, and intuition. Scientific literature provides business model designers with a spectrum of supporting techniques: cases, component-based approaches, taxonomies, conceptual models, causal loop diagrams, and design patterns. However, these techniques only provide valuable support during specific steps of the design process. There is also a tendency towards focusing on model-internal consistency, while neglecting the organization's internal dynamics and external business environment. Against this background, this study proposes a more integrated approach which spans the entire design process and comprises assumptions about the organization's specific business situation. This six step approach is based on the principles of networked thinking. It has the potential to help decision makers, business model designers and entrepreneurs to structure the business model design process and visualize, communicate, discuss, and evaluate different business model designs.
A Bibliometric Exploration of Digital Platforms and Sustainability
Misal, Noopoor : LUT University, Finland; Mention, Anne-Laure : RMIT University, Australia; Väätänen, Juha : LUT University, Finland; Bhimani, Hardik : RMIT University, Australia
From: 2024 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Tallinn)
The paper addresses the lack of comprehensive literature reviews at the intersection of Digital Platforms (DPs) and Sustainability. While both areas have garnered academic attention, they are often explored independently. This study aims to bridge this gap by conducting a quantitative analysis of 1225 articles published between 2008 and 2023. Utilizing VOSViewer software, the analysis visualizes co-citations, co-authors, and keywords to identify emerging research trends and gaps. The findings reveal a significant growth in literature exploring DPs' role in sustainability, with keywords like sharing economy and circular economy featuring prominently. This research has practical implications for policymakers, industry professionals, and businesses, providing insights to develop and implement sustainable practices within the DP ecosystem and fostering international collaborations. Ultimately, it offers valuable guidance for advancing sustainability efforts in the digital platform landscape. Keywords: Digital Platforms; Sustainability; Bibliometric Analysis; Literature Review; VOSViewer.
A full version of this document is not available.
A Brazilian Innovation Ecosystem in the KBDCs light
Vital, Lucas : UNISINOS, Brazil, Faccin, Kadígia : UNISINOS, Brazil, Volkmer Martins, Bibiana : UNISINOS, Brazil, Balestrin, Alsones : UNISINOS, Brazil
From: 2021 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Berlin)
This article aims to understand how knowledge-based dynamic capabilities (KBDCs) can enhance the development of innovation ecosystems (IS) throughout their life cycle. To this end, a single case study of the ecosystem of a University (UNISINOS) was carried out. Data were collected using semi-structured interview and document analysis techniques; and analyzed through content analysis with categories defined a priori. Among the main findings, the following stand out: (1) throughout the life cycle of an IS, different KBDCs are mobilized to boost its development; (2) we also identified the existence of micro-foundations related to the different KBDCs of knowledge acquisition, generation, and combination; and (3) we provide an ecosystem perspective of KBDCs in a developing country.
A Brazilian entrepreneurship university under open innovation and triple helix influences
Amaral, Marcelo : Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil & Mecena, Sérgio José : Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
From: 2008 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Tours)
In recent years Fluminense Federal University (UFF) created several departments, projects and activities oriented to the development of innovations. However, it cannot be considered yet as an entrepreneur university. This paper analyses the UFF's effort of repositioning based on the experience of their technological companies incubator held in 2007. The Laboratory Initiä of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (InitiäLab) is an environment to evaluate technical and economic feasibility of new ventures. It's a network of projects, R&D and ventures which is organized in the university to improve their level of scientific knowledge translation in goods and services to society. InitiäLab's researches are working in a process of innovation concepts and models questioning and create a new vision about the interaction between academy and industry joining open innovation, triple helix and design science research concepts. The paper shows UFF and the incubator; the incubation movement in Brazil; the searching for a new model; and the perspectives to an entrepreneurship university. The result is discussion about management models of innovation environments.
A Business Ecosystem Approach for Facilitating Sustainability-Oriented System Change
Saltevo, Ellen : LUT University, Finland
From: 2021 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Berlin)
This paper takes on a systems perspective to sustainability-oriented innovation and proposes that as sustainable development is fundamentally a systemic problem, not only the solution needs to be systemic, but it also needs to be built and implemented through systemic approaches in order to materialize. By drawing on existing literature of system change, complex adaptive systems and transition management this study suggests a novel approach - the business ecosystem - and illustrates with a multiple case study that business ecosystems embody a suitable architecture, dynamics and an overall logic for harnessing the power of a wide network of actors for the realization of systemic solutions, as well as effective ways of governance to guide the system's development towards transitions and ultimately achieving system change for a more sustainable future.
A Business Model Architecture for Lean Startups
Horton, Graham : University of Magdeburg, Germany & Görs, Jana : Zephram GbR, Germany & Knoll, Stefan-Werner : University of Magdeburg, Germany
From: 2014 ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum (Singapore)
Lean Startup is a management process for startup companies that emphasizes learning via hypothesis formulation and experimentation. The business model is the paradigm of choice for designing the startup company and for obtaining funding from venture capital firms. Although many business model architectures have been suggested in the academic literature, we believe that none is well-suited to the needs of a startup. We therefore propose a new solution that is motivated by specific attributes of the Lean Startup approach and which contains several innovative features. Our architecture consists of three aspects: the template, the value network and the goal statement. We present three examples from a real-world startup project that demonstrate the usefulness of our architecture and how it inspired a novel business idea for viral growth. We believe that our solution will improve collaboration in startup teams and help to improve the chances of success of new-venture projects.
A Business Model Framework for Clusters of Innovation
Schuh, Guenther : RWTH Aachen University, Germany & Baumann, Benjamin : RWTH Aachen University, Germany
From: 2010 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Bilbao)
A region's competitiveness is directly related to its innovative capacity. In this context, clusters of innovation have become highly topical in the public and political discussion. Unfortunately, processes within these clusters are often characterized by ineffectiveness and inefficiency due to their unplanned and casual nature. As a consequence, the demand for a strategic management of clusters of innovation and in particular for a viable and reliable business model regarding joint innovation is growing throughout "cluster literature". This paper provides a general framework for the design of business models. Due to its modular structure it can be used for various fields of application, even though it has been developed for innovation clusters. This framework is designed to support cluster managers' operational work through strategic guidelines. Furthermore, the findings will enable them to better understand the core processes in innovation clusters and to rearrange them in a more effective and efficient way.
A Business Model Innovation Approach to Sustainable Market Orientation
Garcia, Rosanna : Northeastern University, USA & Dacko, Scott : Warwick Business School, United Kingdom & Claudy, Marius : University College Dublin, Rep. of Ireland
From: 2014 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Dublin)
We look beyond the well-trodden question of why firms take a sustainability orientation and instead consider how they do so by investigating the mechanisms that enable and facilitate firms' effective adoption of sustainable market orientation as well as considering the role of innovation in addressing sustainability concerns. We find systematic patterns in the ways that the firms in our sample responded to the challenge of adopting a sustainable market orientation, and specifically the availability, activation and application of two types of important resources evident in innovations: affordances and effectivities. These resources incite business model innovations, which in turn provide the structure facilitating sustainability initiatives. We offer a theoretic model of how these elements relate to the successful adoption of sustainable market orientation and then offer testable propositions about these implications.
A Business Model Perspective on Leveraging Innovation Susceptibility
Bosbach, Kirstin : TU Berlin, Germany Tesch, Jan F. : University of Göttingen, Germany Kirschner, Uwe C. M. : Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
From: 2017 ISPIM Innovation Forum (Toronto)
Companies nowadays face continuous changes in markets and business logics as consequence of far-reaching technological developments. Viable business models need to be designed as prerequisite of economic success. In history, companies struggled to recognise shifts in the business logic as relevant business potentials. In dynamic environments one key question for companies is how to secure future success. Companies need to be able to recognize and evaluate drivers for change that affect the business model from a strategic perspective and act upon them. This paper provides a practical approach that allows for a better identification and interpretation of innovation potential as business opportunities. A methodology for a more advanced systematisation of an early business model innovation phase is introduced. The methodology has been applied and validated in a number of industrial projects and, in this paper, will be illustrated on a simplified case study.
A full version of this document is not available.
A Business Service Ecosystem Supporting the Transition to Net Zero
Crehan, Patrick : CKA, Belgium
From: 2021 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Berlin)
The INNOVEAS project set out to encourage SMEs to undertake energy audits. The assumption being that this will help the EU to achieve goals such as net-zero by 2050. Findings so far indicate that many of the underlying assumptions are not well founded, and they have led to the creation of a "manifesto for massive change" in the system of energy and related audits. This paper reports on why massive change is required, the kind of changes that need to happen, and the work of the project to put these changes in place. The emerging picture suggests a need for an SME "innovation wave" in the spirit of, and on the scale of, Van der Leyen's "renovation wave." The drivers of change on this scale are clear. They suggest a need for support to distinct modes of SME transformation. Modes in which innovation is "voluntary", "forced" or "opportunistic."
A Capability Maturity Model for Open Innovation
Podmetina, Daria : Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland & Petraite, Monika : Kaunas Univeristy of Technology, Lithuania & von Zedtwitz, Max : Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
From: 2019 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Florence)
Capability Maturity Models (CMM) permit defining and capturing the quality of organizational processes, and make them comparable across different contexts and implementations. CMM proposes five stages of organizational process maturity: from initial to optimising. Open Innovation (OI) has not been addressed comprehensively from a CMM perspective. In this paper, we developed and empirically validated a five-stages OI-CMM (on the data collected from over 500 European firms). We found that OI maturity is complex and includes internal aspects of knowledge absorption, sharing and dissemination, collaboration proclivity, education, leadership, rewards management support, and supporting OI organisational structures. The proposed OI-CMM can serve as a managerial tool for evaluation, developing OI organisational capabilities and processes at each maturity stage aimed at resolving innovation process asymmetries and organisational barriers.
A Capability based Defence Logistics Model
Tynnhammar, Marcus : FOI, Sweden
From: 2020 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Virtual)
Logistics is a large part still of a supply chain, specially in the context of Defense. Therefor it is important to have a model that functions within logistics but that also can handle a larger supply chain. The issue is both in terms of logistics and supply chains, but also on the different levels between strategy and all the way down to tactic. By having a model that can explain a supply chain, with a focus on logistics, on both a strategic level and a lower tactical level, assists in creating a more streamlined chain and opens up for more creativity in solving day to day issues. Another side effect is that when parts need to be innovated their function is already set and it is known what is needed to be able to deliver in each operation.
A Case Study Between Different Living Lab Approaches in Flanders
Veeckman, Carina : IBBT-SMIT, Belgium & Lievens, Bram : IBBT-SMIT, Belgium & Schuurman, Dimitri : IBBT-MICT, Belgium & De Moor, Sabine : IBBT- iLab.o, Belgium
From: 2012 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Barcelona)
The Living Lab-concept is strongly emerging in Europe as a new method and approach to facilitate innovation in ICT in which the user plays a central role of input. Today, the European Network of Living Labs assembles more than 270 Living Labs with each a different setup, approach and thematic point of view. In this paper we perform a comparative case study analysis between two recent Living Labs in Flanders, namely the Flemish Living Lab Platform and LeYLab. We situate and evaluate both cases on a theoretic as well as on a more practical level and conclude with a SWOT-analysis. The results reveal that despite facing similar objectives, the implementation of both cases strongly differs. This way, we gain a better insight into the whole structuring of Living Labs as an innovation instrument, whereby some key practices are more difficult to achieve.
A Case about the Diffusion of Co-creation Expertise in Organizations
Kraemer, Katja : FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany & Roth, Angela : FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany & Möslein, Kathrin : Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
From: 2014 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Dublin)
This research explores the diffusion of co-creation expertise at a large German high tech company. The experiences and learnings of a team of innovation managers who in the last two years conducted three co-creation projects in the company build the empirical basis of the research. Hence, this article contributes to the ongoing discussion in innovation literature to enhance the organizational perspective of co-creation research. This research argues that the experiences and learnings of innovation managers who frequently conduct co-creation projects are a valuable resource for organizations. This resource fosters and strengthens the co-creation activities - supposing that innovation managers share their co-creation expertise within their organization. Results focus on the gained co-creation expertise as well as the way how the innovation managers shared their gained co-creation expertise. The paper concludes with managerial implications for organizations that aim to support co-creation activities within their organization and avenues for future research.
A Case-based Analysis of the Social Innovation Process in Real-life Contexts
Deserti, Alessandro : Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Rizzo, Francesca : University of Bologna, Italy; Komatsu Cipriani, Tamami : Politecnico di Milano, Italy
From: 2017 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Vienna)
Increasing attention is being paid towards the potential of social innovation in responding to society's greatest challenges. While measures have been taken to support the flourishing of these innovations, they have thus far been made on ideal models of development, misaligned with what occurs in reality. This had led to the creation of supporting infrastructures that fail to respond to the real needs of social innovators. The paper seeks to provide a clear picture of the real social innovation development process through a case-based discussion coming from the results of the EU research project, SIMPACT. The paper will also present areas of improvement and reflection on which to develop an evidence-based model of SI development.
A Case-study Framework for Properties of Digital Disruptive Entrants
Nielsen, Kjeld : Aalborg University, Denmark; Rosenstand, Claus : Aalborg University, Denmark; Johansen, Stine Schmieg : Aalborg University, Denmark; Brunoe, Thomas Ditlev : Aalborg University, Denmark
From: 2017 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Vienna)
While disruption is not a new phenomenon, the rise of digital technologies has created unprecedented challenges for organizations. While research on how to handle disruptive innovation has been carried out to a large extent, most studies focus on the perspective of incumbents and not on how to be a disrupter. This paper argues that there is a potential for new theoretical points in studying entrants. As a point of departure from this, a tentative framework for digital entrant case-studies is established. This is done by coupling research perspectives from disruptive innovation theory with the concept of exponential organizations. The paper presents research-in-progress where the long term ambition is to clarify capabilities to be a disruptive, digital entrant.
A Cognitive Perspective on Business Model Innovation for Circular Economy
Klein, Sascha : University of Kassel, Germany, Liszt-Rohlf, Verena : University of Kassel, Germany, Spieth, Patrick : University of Kassel, Germany
From: 2021 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Berlin)
Although researchers suggest business model innovation (BMI) to affect performance positively, the literature lacks a comprehensive understanding and thorough insights of cognitive processes in BMI. From a cognitive perspective, business models (BMs) are mental schemas comprising representations of real firm attributes. To shed light on the cognitive processes leading to BMI, we conduct a multiple-case study in the circular economy's context, in which analogies of other BMs are rare. The preliminary findings indicate that managers or entrepreneurs in charge of BMI need to assess opportunities of BMI by combining different cognitive processes like analogical reasoning in different stages of the BMI process. We contribute to BMI and circular economy literature by disentangling managerial cognitive processes and interrelations between them that change mental BM schemas leading to BMI.
A full version of this document is not available.
A Combined Approach of Search Area Determination in Strategic Foresight
Ramosaj, Bujar : Ulm University, Germany; Gentner, Daniel : Ulm University, Germany; Brecht, Leo : Ulm University, Germany;
From: 2018 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Stockholm)
Due to the rapid and ubiquitous spread of digital technologies and social media, the volume of information in the environment of a company has risen rapidly as well as the number of different sources. Environment information, stored e.g. in literature, patent and customer databases provide significant value in the strategic organization of corporate activities. However, the problem many companies face is selecting the right and crucial information from the amount of data to derive sustainable decisions in strategic foresight. Due to this fact, the goal of this paper is to develop a methodology for search area determination in an agile foresight process. Therefore, we present a single case study based on a qualitative foresight project conducted by a manufacturing company. Along the common search strategies, we highlight the application of a new search strategy that matches the dynamics of the corporate environment.
A Commercialization Process Model for Technology Innovations
Gaubinger, Kurt : Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria & Schweitzer, Fiona : Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria & Zweimueller, Rahel : Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria
From: 2012 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Barcelona)
Because of the relevance of a systematic and process-immanent consideration of commercialization activities at an early stage of technology development projects and the high economic importance of the automotive supply industry in certain European countries, the aim of this paper is to establish a commercialization framework for companies in this industry. An explorative research design was chosen to define successful process structures and appropriate management tools for commercialization activities in technology development. In a second step a quantitative pilot study was carried out to identify how different technology management and technology commercialization variables influence the success of innovation. The results of these studies and subsequent theoretical insights form the basis for the conceptual design of a process-oriented commercialization framework.
A Comparative Study of Innovation-Related Crowdsourcing Projects in Germany
Finzen, Jan : Fraunhofer IAO, Germany & Kintz, Maximilien : Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
From: 2012 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Barcelona)
Web-based crowdsourcing has become a popular way to engage users - and most of all customers - into companies' business processes worldwide. But how is the situation in Germany? In 2011 the first European crowdsourcing conference, the "CrowdConvention" was held in Berlin - a clear indication for the growing popularity of crowdsourcing. Nevertheless, little is known about how the success of crowdsourcing projects is determined by the characteristics of specific national markets. The paper presents a comparative study of 71 crowdsourcing projects, that are currently running in Germany (or have been running in 2011 and 2012) and pay special attention to such projects that are directly related to innovation management, e.g., open innovation portals and ideation contests.
A Comparative Study of Publicly Accessible Web-Based Idea Portals
Finzen, Jan : Fraunhofer IAO, Germany & Kintz, Maximilien : Fraunhofer IAO, Germany & Kobes, Stefan : Fraunhofer IAO, Germany
From: 2010 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Bilbao)
One main goal of the open innovation paradigm lies in fostering the outside-in process of innovation management. Integrating the ideas of external partners and especially customers in the development of new products and services is known to enlarge a company's innovation potential, lower the flop risk and help improve customer satisfaction. Idea web portals are one shape of tools supporting these processes and have become quite popular. They support use cases like idea creation, idea evaluation, and lead user identification. The paper presents results from a currently ongoing survey of web-based idea portals. We focus on such portals that allow users to publicly utter and discuss new ideas or provide solutions to previously announced problems. We note that the number of such portals has been continuously growing ever since the late nineties and are concerned with the question of how to support interested companies in selecting a suiting portal.
A Comparison of Japanese and European R&D Characteristics by the Degree of Technological Integration in the Field of Advanced Technologies
Sakata, Junichi : The Institute of Tokyo Technology, Japan
From: 2009 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Vienna)
Topic In order to reduce investment risks associated with research and development (R&D) in the area of advanced technologies, this paper presents the results on an analytical method used to clarify the R&D phases related to inventions, from the exploratory to developmental stages, by measuring the integration degree of technologies from different fields. Problems Generally, risks are taken by R&D institutions when they are not able to derive new results, nor have the capacity of using research outcomes to create innovative products; it is assumed that this phenomenon is prominent, particularly in unexplored fields of cutting edge technologies. Current Understanding The switch to R&D actitivties allowing the rapid transition from basic research results to commercial products will make it possible for companies to compete against others in commercializing technologies. Research Question When comparing the stages of inventions in the field of advanced technologies, both at the dawn of R&D (exploratory stage) and at the coming out stage until the product's release (late development phase), our paper assumes that invention patents in the early phase cover a relatively wider technological range than the ones in the later phase; therefore, figuring out this shift in research phases, by technological integration degrees in time series variation, has been established as being consistent in the fields of MEMS, uel ells and hotovoltaics. Design/methodology/approach Data from patent applications (unexamined publications) are used in the present research since they are considered as the end results of R&D activities. Each patent application data is given one or more International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. Within this classification, two types of codes are employed: the Main IP codes, indicating the primary technologies of the patent data, and the CO-IPC codes, representing the different technological characteristics of an invention. Allotting a CO-IPC code denotes that the data contains multiple technologies simultaneously. Using IPC codes from each patent data, the analytical approach of this paper categorizes inventions depending upon "the degree of integration amongst different technological areas. Inventions in advanced technology fields can thus be defined into three categories: Mix type for inventions combining technologies from different fields ; Only type for the ones resulting from the integration of several technologies within the same field; Mono IPC type defining inventions of a single technological element. This paper analyzes the shift in ratios of these three invention types in time series. This paper focuses on fuel cells and photvoltaics. The IPC code for MEMS is B81, fuel cell is H08M1/00 and photvoltaic cell is H01L31/04. By extracting the data from an innovative database developed by the present authors, this analysis sheds light on patent application data that were allotted the H08M1/00 and H01L31/04 classes of the Main IPC between 2000 and 2004. Findings + Disparities between the characteristics of the companies' core competences are visualized by innovation positions: technical uniqueness of a company is directly reflected by its innovation position. + As regards innovation positions, dissimilarities exist between "dominant companies" and the "lower-ranked applicant group". The latter group, which has less additional constraints on inventions, holds a higher ratio for the Mix type compared to the top ranked applicants. Contribution As technology develops, the ratio of inventions based on the integration of different technological fields (Mix type) decreases while those based on narrower technological fields (Only type, Mono-IPC type) increase. Practical implications In order to analyze the progress of research based on the integration of leading edge technologies, three types of patent data categorization (i.e., Mix type, Only type and Mono-IPC type) are introduced by expanding the definition of IPC Co-Occurrence. The concept of innovation coordinate is defined naturally by calculating the construction ratio of each technological category. It is suggested that as the technology develops, the ratio of inventions based on the integration of different technological fields (Mix type) decreases while those based on narrower technological field (Only type, Mono-IPC type) increase.
A Computer-Aided Framework For Alliance Partner Selection
Jari Varis of Lappeenranta University of Technology & Kalle Elfvengren of Lappeenranta University of Technology
From: 2003 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Manchester)
This paper introduces a practical method for supporting the challenging task of partner selection for a business alliance. This study is based on a case application which focuses on the selecting and prioritizing the telecommunications company's criteria for alliance partner selection related to the development of new mobile applications for business clients. The main focus is on assessing the usefulness of a group support system (GSS) and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) as tools for the evaluation of the possible candidates for alliance partners. The typical features and general advantages of GSS and AHP can be effectively exploited to facilitate criteria generation and alternative analysis for selection problems. These case experiences will be described here in more detail.
A Conceptual Framework and Considerations for Digital Prototyping
Rizk, Aya : Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, Wenngren, Johan : Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
From: 2021 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Berlin)
Digital technology is embedded in most of organizations' offerings and processes. With this trend comes also a need of being able to collect the opportunities that emerge during the development of these products, services and processes. For this reason, it has been identified that in early phases of development, methodologies that support communication and knowledge creation (i.e. prototyping) is key. Though prototyping is a natural part of development of physical products, it is less common in digital innovation and development. This study addresses this by developing a conceptual framework for prototyping for digital innovation. By taking a comprehensive view on prototypes, implications for development are analysed and developed based on the complex nature and ontology of digital technology.
A Conceptual Method Combining Scenario Planning And Technology Roadmapping
Hussain, Mohsan : Aston University, United Kingdom & Tapinos, Efstathios : Aston Business School, United Kingdom & Knight, Louise : Aston University, United Kingdom
From: 2014 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Dublin)
A great number of foresight methodologies exist for anticipating uncertainty and envisioning the future, which are mostly based on exploring at the system or the macro level and then examining the impact on the subject of research such as global uncertainties, an industry, the organization or a technology. However, there are few examples to foresight simultaneously the 'big picture' and the subject of research. This paper presents the development of a conceptual method that mixes Scenario Planning for the development of alternative plausible future states at the macro level and then employs Technology Roadmapping for the strategic development of specific technologies. The conceptual method is proposed to be deployed for organizations which require the understanding of long term macro environments but also desire to develop foresight specific to a given technology. Keywords: Technology Roadmapping; Scenario Planning; Multimethodology Foresight.